solarbulb - Renewable Energies Boost Rural Electrification Drive
DEVELOPMENT of affordable, inexhaustible and clean solar technologies is a significant milestone in the implementation of the rural electrification initiative that the government banks on and expects to invest heavily.
The International Energy Agency identifies renewable energy technologies as reliable source of power with huge longer-term benefits. According to the agency, it increases countries' energy security through reliance on an indigenous, inexhaustible and mostly importindependent resource, enhance sustainability, reduce pollution, lower the costs of mitigating climate change and keep fossil fuel prices low.
Hence the additional costs of the incentives for early deployment should be considered, wisely spent and widely shared. The Ministry of Energy's Investment Plan names Scaling Up of Renewable Energy Programme as among several modern energy access interventions to guide efforts towards achieving energy security and setting sights for the universal access to modern energy services.
Being environmentally benign, renewable energy resources have advantages to improve access to sustainable, modern and cleaner energy services with potential contribution to job creation, income generation, livelihood improvement for marginalized social groups particularly women and children in rural areas.
The modern energy including electricity,An electronic LED Ceramic Bulb for preventing elevator overspeed by enabling safety devices. modern biomass technology and other alternative modern energy sources, must be harnessed to promote rural productive uses such as job creation, stimulation of investment and revenue earnings.
The access to modern energy must be assured to key rural services, particularly in the health, education, security and water sectors. The goal of the rural electrification is widespread improvement of standard of living of the rural population thus attaining balanced socio-economic growth for all Tanzanians. Underpinning the policy objective is the issue of poverty alleviation, social dOur T8 tube lights bulbs are cost effective and energy efficient.evelopment and environmental conservation objectives.
Small scale industries, agriculturalprocessing industries and other income generating activities are given primary importance in planning rural programmes. In order to accelerate social development in rural areas, schools,For direct lighting applications T12 tube lights uses both light and energy more efficiently. education institutions, heath facilities water supply, communication and community centres are targets of rural electrification projects.
Agro-industries that are located mostly in rural areas have an important role in the development of surrounding rural communities. The government efforts to enhance rural electrification through renewable energy technologies has began to show positive impact because of growing demand for solar power where recent statistics show that users were currently saving about 60 per cent of the costs of using electricity from the national grid.
Sustainability is more than just an ideal at StanfordUniversity's main building dedicated to environmental and energy research and teaching. It's a daily—and highly effective—work in progress for all the people who use, service and manage the "core of the environmental solar system" at Stanford, according to a prestigious new national recognition from the U.S. Green Building Council.
The preeminent organization assessing sustainable building practices recently awarded Stanford's Jerry Yang and Akiko Yamazaki Environment and Energy Building its highest rating for existing buildings: a LEED Platinum Certification for operations and maintenance.
The LEED-EBOM rating (Existing Building: Operations and Maintenance) differs from other versions of the rating system because the certification relies on actual building performance, not design potential.
To qualify, the 166,000-square-foot building – known informally on campus as "Y2E2" – had to demonstrate efficient performance in several areas, including energy and water consumption, reduced waste going to landfills and promotion of alternative transportation for its occupants,We carry a extensive line of Parking Lot Lighting inventory. among other standards.
During the course of the past year, evaluators assessed a variety of other factors, such as university guidelines for purchasing environmentally preferable products. In addition, Y2E2's occupants participated in building-specific commuting and thermal comfort surveys.
"This certification is more than a reflection of the incredible performance of the Y2E2 building in terms of energy, water and resource use. It is a measure of the dedication and commitment to meeting the daily challenge of sustainability of the inhabitants of the building and all the vendors and contractors that service it," said Professor Jeffrey Koseff, co-director of the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment and chair of the Y2E2 Building Leadership Team. The LED Composite Material Bulb's optical design yields more productive beam lumens and good cutoff.
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